In het Elle eten zomernummer staat op pagina 52 een recept voor een zomerse kersen-pistachetaart. Ik had flink wat overrijpe kersen in huis dus ik kon het niet laten om deze taart te gaan maken. Bij vrijwel elk recept ben ik eigenwijs ...
Indonesian people call it kersen, ceri or talok. Some other names: kerukup siam (Malaysia), datiles, aratiles or manzanitas (Philippine), capulin blanco, cacaniqua, nigua, or niguito (Spain), Jamaican Cherry, Panama Berry or Singapore Cherry (England). Have your ever tasted its sweet, juicy and full of tiny seeds fruits? This tree is located in the front of my left side neighbor's house. The fruits aren't red yet, I still have to wait more. .... Family Travel Vacation ...
Spokesperson Josia Kersen was quoted, As a consultant who is completely aware of Israels poor public image, I jumped at the opportunity to get involved in a project that would help promote Israel's true significance to worldwide ...